How not to get tired at work: tips for office workers. How to work in the office and not get tired How not to get tired after a working day

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Now I will tell you unexpected things. Since you have visited this site, it means you are doing or are just planning a renovation.

Or maybe you are a finisher, like me. It's no secret that repairs are a little physically tiring. And people who decide to do it for the first time are often completely shocked, how can they endure this every day?! Well, I have been putting up with this every day for 3.5 years now and have not suffered at all.

My working day starts at 9 am. At this time, for example, I start plastering. And I do this without a break until 13.00. It's lunch break. An hour for lunch is sacred. After that, from 14.00 to 18.00 I gamble at the same rhythm, without ever sitting down. And what is plaster, you understand, right? This is constant movement, kneading, dragging full buckets, climbing onto sawhorses and descending... In short, a super intense load. But at the end of the day I am cheerful, I have enough energy left to work on this and my 4 other sites, plus my so-called personal life.

And what kills me are people who sit in their offices all day and at the end of the day “oh, how tired they are.” Today we will talk about how not to get tired at work.

Yes, of course, there is such a thing as habit. My body has adapted to such stress. But habit alone is not enough, because this crap continues day after day, and your strength dries up. And this is where sports nutrition comes to my aid.

I first met him, it seems, in 2007, when I was a 1st year student. What else should a student do, no matter how hard he swings? I was seriously interested in this matter, well, it came to sports nutrition, but I’m eager to try it, I’ll trample on it! Then I discovered protein-carbohydrate mixtures (gainers), protein, amino acids, vitamins and creatine.

And you know, yes, these things work. Of course, I was not a turbo megabuck; at most I weighed 91 kg in clothes. Of course, someday everything comes to an end, and as soon as I started working in finishing, I abandoned the rocking chair - I didn’t have enough strength, and I didn’t have time, I was writing my diploma at the time...

I gradually learned all sorts of different things, labor productivity and, accordingly, energy consumption increased. And so, I have reached the point where you are so tired that you don’t understand what those around you are saying. You are somewhere between reality and a dream. So how not to get tired at work?

It was then that I remembered about “chemistry” again. I bought myself a jar of regular whey protein and a jar of creatine. And off we go. I was amazed at my speed, and by the evening I was as fresh as in the morning. And most importantly, I was excited about the work, I wanted to break records.

So, if you have to do physical work, you should try some of what I'm about to tell you. Let's go point by point.


Most of you know what this is. This is a regular protein. Protein is a building material for muscles and more. Without it you will be a vegetable. Drowsiness, weakness, brittle nails, bad hair are symptoms of protein deficiency. We go to a sports nutrition store and buy a can of protein. In terms of price, normal American whey protein will cost you about 2500-3000 rubles per 2 kg. What is 2 kg? Roughly speaking, this is more than a month's supply if you cover 100% of your needs. 50 g of whey protein per day is just right. Whey is the most easily digestible type. It comes into use quickly and without reserve. I won’t talk about it for a long time, read it on Wikipedia. You can identify it on the display window by the large inscription WHEY - whey. There are also egg, soy protein and casein. Each of them has its pros and cons, but I love Whey. By the way, if you want to lose weight, drink it instead of dinner. Everything will be absorbed, digestion will not be strained, there are almost no carbohydrates.

It must be drunk with milk. There are many different flavors to choose from, it is advisable to take thicker milk, it will be tastier. Don't drink water - you'll end up vomiting almost forever. But some people can't stand its taste. So start with a small jar.


This is the most powerful thing you can eat. It is usually called Creatine Monohydrate. It costs a penny - from 350 rubles for a month's supply. White powder without taste. I don’t know how best to explain, in general, what it is. In general, it is a carboxylic acid that plays a critical role in muscle energy metabolism. And if protein is just a building material, then this thing is something like fuel. On the 3-4th day of use, you will feel a significant surge of energy and a desire to lift weights. For me this is expressed in the desire to walk a lot of kilometers, I don’t know why. You don’t walk, but fly, as if on wings. I recommend. By the way, the thing, like protein, is harmless. But you can’t eat it all the time, only in monthly courses. Every month you need to take breaks of at least a couple of weeks. How to take it is written on the can. Stupidly mix one teaspoon in water or a protein shake in the morning and one in the evening. All. You are a monster.


This is a nutritious mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins... This is a kind of food substitute. It is quite cheap, but you also need to eat a lot of it. It also gives normal energy, but many people begin to gain weight when taking it. Still, there are a lot of carbohydrates there. But it depends on the person.

You definitely don't need amino acids separately. They are of no use unless you are a turbo guy.


We are talking specifically about sports vitamins, the doses there are thousands of percent of the recommended ones. I can say for sure - you will go to the toilet like a rainbow. You will not feel any other radical effects. Unless you had severe vitamin deficiency before. Such vitamins are very good when you need to protect you from colds. As long as you take them, you won't get sick. But 99% of the time you will get sick within 2 weeks after finishing taking it. For some reason it was like this for me.

In general, it’s better to take regular multivitamins like Multi-Tabs.

So, I could talk more about arginine, glutamine and other amino acids, but they are expensive and are not particularly needed at a construction site. Protein + creatine - this is the bomb.

This is such an unusual topic today. I wrote this post spontaneously, so there may be typos and mistakes. I'm too lazy to search and fix, I'm already ready to sleep... Bye!

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Feeling tired throughout the day has a negative impact on productivity, mood, and over time, physical health. If you want to avoid chronic fatigue, try changing your daily routine instead of looking for quick-fix energy boosters. To prevent daytime sleepiness, create consistent and healthy morning and evening schedules, and focus on eating well and staying active throughout the day.


Follow a clear morning routine

    Allow enough time for morning preparation. You might think you'll feel more rested if you set your alarm 15 minutes later in the morning, but in reality, doing so may have negative consequences and leave you rushing to get ready. If you don't want to feel tired all day, leave the house fresh and relaxed, not emotional.

    Wake up quickly and with a positive attitude, and do a few deep breaths . To feel energized and fresh, it is very important to wake up with a positive attitude (in other words, “on the right foot”). See awakening as a new opportunity to do great things, not as a difficult task! Try this:

  1. Start every morning with the same ritual. Some people like to shower first, others like to exercise, and still others like to eat breakfast first. Do whatever makes your body and mind aware that you are getting ready to start your day, and do the same things every morning.

    • Consistency is the key. Find what works for you and do it every morning, even on vacation!
    • You may think that a cold shower will invigorate you, because a warm one will make you sleepy. However, making a warm shower part of your morning routine can signal to your body and mind that it's time to wake up and get moving.
    • Consider installing a radio in the bathroom to play your favorite uplifting music, or simply sing to yourself.
  2. Start your day with healthy breakfast . Although breakfast is no more important than other meals, it is a great way to prepare your body and mind for a strong start to the day. Fatty, carb-rich, and sugary foods like pancakes and sausages can lead to bloating and sluggishness, so opt for healthy options like:

    • fruit, yogurt and porridge;
    • greens: spinach, kale or celery (try mixing them and making a smoothie);
    • eggs with lean ham or turkey;
    • oatmeal, whole grain bread or healthy, sugar-free cereals.
  3. Enjoy a cup coffee later in the morning. A cup of coffee can be quite healthy as long as you don't add a lot of sugar to it. In addition, caffeine gives you energy. However, to get more benefits from it, you should wait at least one to two hours after waking up before drinking it. There are the following reasons for this:

    • Cortisol, among other things, is the “wakefulness hormone.” Its levels in the body rise three times a day, usually within two hours of waking up, then at midday and finally in the early evening.
    • Consuming caffeine when your cortisol levels are at their peak can signal your body to lower it, which can ultimately leave you feeling sluggish and tired.
    • Drinking coffee later in the morning will give your natural cortisol levels an extra boost.

    Stay energized throughout the day

    1. Stimulate your senses to keep your brain active. If you don't do this, your brain won't get stimulation and you'll start to nod off. To stay alert, look for ways to activate your eyes, ears, and even your nose throughout the day. Try some of the following options:

      • Keep your mouth active by sucking on mints or chewing gum.
      • Position yourself near a window that allows indirect sunlight. Sitting directly in the sun may make you feel tired, but just being close to the sunlight will help awaken your senses.
      • Awaken your sense of smell by inhaling the aroma of peppermint essential oil. You can carry the bottle with you.
      • Keep your eyes active by taking breaks to look away when you get tired of looking at the same thing.
      • Listen to music. Jazz, hip-hop or soft rock can cheer you up.
    2. Gently stimulate your body to keep you active. Stimulating the body is just as important as stimulating the senses. If it is active, the brain will be active, so try to move your body no matter where you are. Try some of these tricks:

      • gently pull down your earlobes;
      • pinch yourself in areas of your body where there is little fat, such as your forearms or the area behind your knees;
      • stretch your wrists, moving your fingers back;
      • roll your shoulders and neck;
      • If you feel like you're about to fall asleep, lightly bite your tongue.
    3. Exercise late in the morning or early in the day to energize yourself. Although intense workouts can tire you out, light to moderate exercise will boost your overall energy levels and leave you feeling energized. Exercise for 15 to 30 minutes in the late morning or early in the day when you need an extra boost of energy.

      • Go for a short walk around the area. Nothing wakes you up like fresh air in your lungs.
      • Sign up for a midday yoga class. This is another great way to clear your mind, improve your breathing, and prepare for the rest of the day.
      • The exercise is considered moderate if the heart rate is slightly elevated and breathing is difficult enough to carry on a full conversation.
      • Do only light exercise in the afternoon, as if you exercise late in the evening, your adrenaline levels will increase and you will have a harder time falling asleep.
    4. Find ways to stay active if you can't exercise. Even if you don't have time for a full workout, you can perk up by doing regular exercise throughout the day. Just a few minutes of intermittent physical activity is a great way to tell your body, “Hey, it’s not time to sleep yet!”

      • During the workday, take short walks along the corridors or go to the next street for coffee.
      • If possible, avoid using the elevator. Better take the stairs.
      • If you sit at a desk all day, get up at least once an hour to stretch a little.
    5. Eat healthy meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day, but it should be followed by an equally nutritious lunch and dinner. Healthy foods will give you more strength and energy, while junk food can make you weak and make you want to go to bed.

      • Carry plenty of healthy snacks with you so you don't end up at the vending machine. Some examples of great snacks include almonds and cashews, celery sticks and peanut butter, and fresh or dried fruit.
      • Eat three healthy and balanced meals throughout the day. Leave room for a light snack to avoid overeating during main meals.
      • Avoid heavy foods, starchy foods and foods high in fat or sugar. All these foods will cause even greater fatigue and put a strain on the digestive system.
      • Drink a caffeinated beverage early in the day, between natural cortisol surges (around midday and early evening).
      • Keep your body hydrated throughout the day.
    6. Concentrate on different tasks all day. Keeping your brain engaged, excited, or creative is guaranteed to make you feel less tired. To keep your brain alert, be sure to always focus on something interesting instead of lazing around or dozing off.

      • Switch between tasks from time to time. You're more likely to get bored if you do the same thing hour after hour, so try to tackle different projects at different times throughout the day.
      • If you find yourself feeling distracted during work hours, talk to a colleague in the break room. This will perk up your brain a little, and perhaps improve your mood!
      • If you are at school, participate in class by asking or answering questions. If necessary, take notes using different colored pens to make your notes seem less monotonous.
    7. Don't rely on energy drinks to keep you active. Energy drinks often contain at least twice the caffeine of a cup of coffee, and they're often loaded with sugar and a variety of messy ingredients that can be detrimental to your health. To avoid fatigue, it's much safer to rely on getting enough sleep at night, eating healthy, and being active during the day.

      • Energy drinks will give you a temporary boost of energy, so use them in moderation and only when needed.
      • Energy drinks can cause heart and blood vessel problems in some people, so talk to your doctor before taking them, especially if you have heart disease.
      • Never mix energy drinks with alcohol, as you will likely drink too much without immediately feeling the effects.

Chronic fatigue syndrome does not only affect workaholics. And in general, this phenomenon has nothing to do with ordinary fatigue.

Expert – Doctor of Psychology Vera Loseva.

Doctors are looking for immunological, infectious, neurological causes of chronic fatigue syndrome - and find nothing. Meanwhile, psychologists offer their own theory: the peculiarities of the response to stress of people living in a space overcrowded with information are to blame for this disease.

TIRED OF Idleness?

A condition similar to chronic fatigue syndrome occurs when the body becomes imbalanced between the stimuli sent by the external environment and our response to them. Why are signs of chronic fatigue often felt by housewives or people with monotonous, monotonous work, and simply slackers who are ready to lie on the couch for days without anything to do? Because their nervous system stimulation is insufficient.

Stress in moderation is good for health - it allows the body to mobilize, gather together internal forces in order to be ready to correctly respond to the “message” from the outside world and provide protection.

When these incentives are few, the settings begin to “go astray.” A similar thing happens when stimulation is too active. Examples of overstimulation are everywhere and literally cultivated by society. Thus, chronic fatigue syndrome becomes a programmed disease.


The first path to illness is the desire for perfection, which is fueled in every possible way by advertising, the film industry, and popular literature. It is argued that literally everyone can and should achieve wealth, fame, be successful from the point of view of society, and arouse the admiration of others. Moreover, each of us already has all this, and whether we show these wonderful qualities or not depends only on us. A person, trying to overcome high barriers, often sets himself impossible tasks. For example, he may be a successful manager or a successful actor, but at the same time he is forced to sacrifice something, for example, his personal life, old friends, or raising children. And first of all - spiritual harmony, because no one has ever managed to be at the “top” all the time. Even the greatest have experienced periods of decline. The very position that everything needs to be done to the maximum or not at all leads to a nervous breakdown.

ANTIDOTE. It is very important to forgive yourself in difficult moments, allow small weaknesses, and not continue to rush to the finish line at full speed. Love yourself, not your imaginary image - do not forget that you are real and unique as a person, and are not at all a figment of someone’s imagination.


This feeling often leads to a colossal loss of energy. After all, envy is a destructive feeling, a real generator of complexes and ill will.

ANTIDOTE. Envy is practically untreatable. If you suffer from it seriously, things are bad. Try to switch to more positive feelings - admiration for nature, a loved one, art. Remember that even the most successful person has reason to envy those who are higher than him.


Another way to waste energy is to always focus on the opinions of others about you. At the same time, the lion's share of activity is spent reacting to facial expressions, words, supposed thoughts and feelings of colleagues, friends, and relatives. This complex is based on self-doubt and a constant desire for approval.

ANTIDOTE. Understand that people are usually not that interested in your successes and failures. They are focused on themselves, and your activity usually takes place on the edge of their consciousness. Usually they easily forget what they once said about you, and you are ready to think about a carelessly thrown word for weeks. So is it worth wasting energy so mediocrely?

PROBLEM 4: REluctance to be satisfied with little

Sometimes even such a noble feeling as the desire for self-realization can lead to a leak of energy. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to say that the possibilities of every person are limitless. This is wrong. Only some people succeed in “jumping over their heads”, and even then at the expense of a colossal waste of mental strength and the loss of the good that was achieved at the previous “stage”.

ANTIDOTE. Learn to be happy with what you have. Remember that in every victory there is a share of defeat, and in every defeat there is a positive life experience. A person who has not risen through the ranks can enjoy freedom more, take a break from the stress of responsibility, and have a better chance of maintaining health. As Dale Carnegie said, his farmer grandfather, who never traveled beyond his home state, was much happier than many bosses with eaten away livers and habitual nightmares whom the great popularizer of psychology met along the way.


The constant desire to protect oneself has a detrimental effect on health. For some, this is expressed in an endless desire for a higher material level, for others - in a passion for various “systems”. As a rule, neither one nor the other provides a guarantee of safety, but it drains strength very quickly.

ANTIDOTE. Remember that it is impossible to foresee everything in life - the world always develops according to its own laws, and not according to our wishes, and His Majesty chance can nullify all the measures you have taken. So is it worth it?


It destroys internal protection and this is a common feeling. We are talking about people who constantly expect to be deceived and try to calculate what they can gain from this or that enterprise. Such a person is forced to constantly restrain himself, save his strength in order to “sell” it at a higher price.

ANTIDOTE. The rationality of such behavior is apparent. We will never be able to calculate how much and what will be “returned” to us in response to our efforts. It has been noticed that the more a person gives, the more he receives - at least in the form of gratitude, good attitude from others, which is a powerful feed for his internal “reservoirs”.


Oddly enough, energy leakage is also caused by extremely economical spending of this very energy. Each activity has five components: goal - plan - execution - control - internal assessment. If a person masters only some of these components, for example, does not set goals for himself (others do this for him) or delegates the assessment to his superiors or relatives, he eventually accumulates mental stress, which leads to chronic fatigue. Those who have ways to hold all the components in their hands usually do not get tired: they receive energy from their activity.

ANTIDOTE. During your vacation, try doing activities that are completely different from those in which you might get high grades. Allow yourself to be a C student in something. The main thing is to step back from your usual activities, check “your course” with your state of mind, and look for the main guidelines in it. And the sources of energy that the world around you is so rich in will replenish your reserves and help you forget about chronic fatigue syndrome.

What do you need to do to feel good during the working day?

Many women are very tired at work, and when they come home they fall exhausted. In such a situation, a woman has neither the time nor the opportunity to devote herself to her husband, children and household chores. Naturally, this negatively affects family relationships. Here are some tips on how to avoid getting tired at work.

Firstly When you get up in the morning and get ready for work, you must have breakfast. According to experts, people who have eaten at least a little in the morning acquire a certain surge of energy, their metabolism increases, which means they feel better and are more efficient.

Secondly, you need to drink enough water throughout the day. Yes, yes, exactly water, not tea or coffee. Due to its lack in the body, frequent headaches, fatigue, apathy, etc. may occur. It’s easy to check whether there is enough water in the body. The darker the color of the urine, the less water there is. It is better to drink at least 1-2 liters of water per day.

Third, go to work only in comfortable clothes and shoes. If the employer does not impose strict rules on clothing, then it is better to wear something loose, not restricting movement, made from natural materials. Clothes should be familiar and comfortable to you. If you are used to women's jeans, don't change your habits.

Fourth, each person has his own diet, based on individual preferences, but if you want to be healthier and more vigorous, you must definitely include greens and vegetables in this diet. They contain a large number of substances important for the body. They must make up at least half of the total diet to produce the desired effect.

Fifthly, move as much as possible. Even if your job involves staying in one place for a long time, take regular short breaks to walk around your desk for at least a few minutes, stretch your legs and arms.

Well in the end, do not try to relieve the tension that has accumulated during the working day with alcohol or tobacco products. By getting rid of what you think is tension, you are harming your health. After a working day, you can take a short evening walk, take a hot bath, lie on the sofa, watching your favorite show or movie.

In the digital age, people work 24/7 - 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They eat on the go, sleep little and fuel themselves with caffeine in order to get as many things done as possible in a day. But nervous overloads do not pass without leaving a trace. When entrepreneur Anton Rozhkov from Chelyabinsk felt that his work was affecting his health, he changed his attitude towards life. Anton told Zdravkom about how to charge yourself with energy for the whole day.

In December, I was literally stuck from work. Each new day brought new problems and posed new challenges. Moreover, they were all important for business. I worked on them from morning to evening, and had no strength left for anything else. Plans to deal with interesting and monetary topics were shelved. I wanted to give up everything and forget.

Even then, I began to plan my day: in a notebook I wrote down only those tasks that could not be delegated to other specialists. And still the list kept growing: one page, two pages... THREE pages of tasks! Just imagine, three pages in small handwriting with a list of tasks that need to be solved in the near future. Naturally, all this affected my motivation to work - after all, no matter how many tasks I completed, there were no fewer of them.

The hassle also affected my health. I started, but it’s dangerous for me because of my heart condition. All this led to me having to go to doctors. At that moment I realized: it was time to reconsider my attitude towards work and life.

To begin with, I decided to deal primarily with strategic issues. I found an online store manager to replace me, and I concentrated on one significant project. My main task was to build a team and business processes, and I also retained the functions of a leading search marketing specialist. I froze all my content projects and stopped participating in the management of the web studio, with the exception of basic issues of company development.

The first step is charging. My complex consists of exercises collected from health practices from around the world: (“Five Tibetan Pearls”), back stretching (physical therapy) and major muscle groups (stretching). Over the course of a month of training, I selected those exercises that energized me better than others.

Second - . No matter how hard we try, food contains all the vitamins we need. So I started drinking a vitamin complex plus polyunsaturated ones. The cost of all the fun is ~15 rubles per day. But the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The third step is food. I reduced it to a minimum, and. To lose weight, I needed to reduce my daily intake. This is achieved quite easily. In the morning I cook rice, buckwheat or other cereals for the day. In the morning I eat heavily, but just a little short of eating until I’m full. During the day I try to eat often, in small portions. The result is visible within a week. AND . There is only one rule: you need more calories than you consume.

Therefore, the next step is sports. I started running and continued cycling. Already now I can easily run 5 km and bike 50 km.

All this gave an excellent effect. At 12 am I am already feeling sleepy. I easily get up without an alarm clock after seven hours of sleep. Enough energy for the whole day. There was a desire to move to new heights. I have set a goal for myself - to run a half marathon before next summer. There are no health problems. The allergy has disappeared. Over the past three months I... I walk to work and to visit my parents.

— Places I want to visit;

— Skills that I want to master;

— Knowledge and activities that I want to try and learn;

— People I would like to meet and talk to;

— Peaks that I want to conquer (I already wrote about the half marathon).
